If your group of 8 or more is interested in taking one of our exclusive Temecula Brewery Tours please fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you to schedule your tour and provide you with all of the details!

Tour prices vary depending on the size of your group, pick up location, etc. At the current time we are running on a reservation only basis. The minimum amount of guests for a private tour is 8. If you have a group of 8 or more please fill out the reservation inquiry form below! If you have under 8 total guests unfortunately we are not running public (join-in) tours at this time.

To see all that is included in our tours please visit our private brewery tour package page

You will end up having a ton of high alcohol craft beers during your tour so please hydrate and eat a little something before we pick you up!


Tour Reservation Inquiry Form

We are not running brewery tours due to covid lock downs destroying us. We hope to be back when breweries are back and allowing tour groups

If you wanted a wine tour with beer options please contact www.rockinwine.com
They run combo tours from 4pm - 8:30pm on Saturdays depending on availability

If Interested please fill out the form below!
First Name:(*)
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Last Name:
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Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid phone number
How would you like to be contacted?
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Please note if you have under 8 total guests do not fill out this form as you need a minimum of 8 total guests for us to run a private tour!
What type of tour are you interested in booking?(*)
Please make a selection
Pick up Location:
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Where would your group like to be picked up and dropped off? If you don't know or if your location is not on this list that's OK just select "Other" or "Not Sure" from the drop down
Enter Number of Total Guests
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Please select a date
Select Time Preference:
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Not currently available
Is this for a special occasion?
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Let us know if this tour will be for a special occasion. We like to personalize your experience by decorating your vehicle and/or other creative ways to provide you with a one of a kind private tour experience!
How did you hear about us?
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Enter any specific details or questions here:
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Enter the letters in the box (anti-spam)(*) Enter the letters in the box (anti-spam)
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Temecula Brewery Tours

© 2011-2016 Brewery Tours of Temecula / Temecula Brewery Tours LLC. All Rights Reserved. TCP 36542-A